Carnegie Mellon University

Winter Break Events & Resources

Residential Education has developed an engaging and fun set of events and programs that will occur during Winter Break - all are welcome to join! Home athletics events and an event hosted by the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion are also listed below.

Dec. 17, noon: Men's Basketball vs. Washington and Jefferson
Highmark Center for Health, Wellness and Athletics

Dec. 17, 2 pm: Women's Basketball vs. La Roche
Highmark Center for Health, Wellness and Athletics

Dec. 21, 7 pm: Pizza and Movies Social
Morewood Gardens (The Garden)

Dec. 23, 3 pm: Trip to Holiday Market
Meet at the Walking to the Sky sculpture on the Cut

Dec. 26, time TBD: Phipps Holiday Lights
Meet at the Walking to the Sky sculpture on the Cut

Dec. 28, time TBD: Movie at Manor Theater
Meet at the Walking to the Sky sculpture on the Cut

Dec. 31, 5 pm: New Year's Eve Goodie Bags
Morewood Gardens (The Garden)

Jan. 2, 3 pm: Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Trees
Meet in the main entrance of the Cohon University Center (Brown Chairs)

Jan. 4, 1 pm: Schenley Skating Rink
Meet in the main entrance of the Cohon University Center (Brown Chairs)

Jan. 6, 2 pm: Men’s Basketball vs. Dickinson
Highmark Center for Health, Wellness and Athletics

Jan. 7, 12 - 1:30 pm: Morsels of Inspiration: Crafting Your Go-to Message in the New Year
Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion, Cohon University Center, Lower Level 75