Carnegie Mellon University

Media Sanitization

The following table provides a list of media sanitization tools that are acceptable for Clearing or Purging of media as defined by the ISO Guidelines for Data Sanitization and Disposal.  If there are other tools you'd like ISO to review and include in this, please send your request to

Tool Description Platforms Download
Identity Finder Identity Finder is a commercial tool licensed by Carnegie Mellon that can be used to scan your computer for sensitive information such as social security numbers, credit and debit card numbers, driver's license numbers, etc. This tool also offers alternatives for safeguarding sensitive information, including the ability to encrypt, redact or securely erase. Windows, Mac Click here

Disk Sanitization

Tool Description Platforms Download
DBAN DBAN (a.k.a. Darik's Boot and Nuke) is a free boot disk utility that can be used to sanitize hard drives. Most Hard Drives Click here
Parted Magic
Parted Magic is a complete hard disk management solution.
Most Hard Drives Click here