Carnegie Mellon University

Purchasing & Spending

Purchasing and spending money is part of managing finances as a student organization. The Authorized Signers are responsible for the overall purchasing for the student organization. The Authorized Signers may not be an individual that is planning events and initiatives for the organization, so it is very important that the Authorized Signers educate these members on the information, documentation, and receipts/invoices needed to pay for goods and services in a timely manner.

Defining Terms

When purchasing goods and services, you interact with suppliers, University entities, like the University Contracts Office, and more. Before you begin to spend or purchase prizes and gifts, you first need to understand the difference between goods and services, and their relationship to the suppliers.

  • Goods refer to physical and tangible items.
  • Services are when someone/something provides skills, support or labor. 
  • Suppliers are the people or businesses being paid for goods or services.
  • P-card - University credit card
  • Purchase Order - Any purchase ≥ $5000 must be paid via Purchase Order. Any company that requires a check or bank transfer must be paid via purchase order
  • On-Campus Purchase - On-campus vendor purchases, such as the Bookstore or Entropy
  • JE Transfer - Electronic transfer of money between 2 on-campus accounts
  • Expense Reimbursement - Out of pocket purchases, receipts submitted for reimbursement
  • P-card 
    • General services like printing or small rentals
    • Must cost less than $5,000
  • Purchase Order (Purchase Order; cuts a check to the vendor)
  • JE Transfer (Electronic transfer of money between 2 on-campus accounts)
  • On-Campus Purchase (On-campus vendors such as the Bookstore and Entropy)
  • Payroll (If a student has a job on campus, they can be paid for services from your org's funds through university payroll)

Important Note: You CANNOT be reimbursed for services. A contract is REQUIRED for services provided on campus

Special Types of Purchases & Spending

In addition to the everyday spending your organization does, you may want to utilize additional spending options, like making Amazon purchases, capital and travel purchases, external donations, and even purchases like hazmat/hazardous materials and prizes/gifts/awards.

Please fill out the Amazon Purchase Request to ask our team to place an Amazon order on your behalf and bill it to your organization. Please allow 2 weeks notice for orders.
Orgs can request meal vouchers to give to members to use during meetings/events where they may not be able to meet together. Vouchers are loaded directly to recipient’s personal Uber account. Vouchers can be requested for a specific date, time, and dollar amount. Request UberEats meal vouchers here.

If you were allocated funds for a capital purchase from the Joint Funding Committee (JFC), you must get approval from the Student Govt Director of Finance to bill the Capital Account. Please submit the JFC Capital Purchase form to obtain approval.

Capital purchases are items that the organization expects to use for multiple fiscal years. Capital purchases are not transferred as part of your JFC allocation but are housed in the JFC Capital account. Generally speaking, capital purchases are used over a period of multiple fiscal years. You can access your budget to see what capital items your organization has been approved for.

To make a donation to an external organization, send a completed payment request form to the SLICE Finance team. A member of SLICE’s Finance team will confirm the amount available to donate. JFC funds cannot be donated to external organizations.
Please visit SLICE's Making Travel Arrangements to learn more about the different types of travel purchases.
SLICE staff must be notified prior to making any hazardous material purchases even if you plan to buy out of pocket. It is strongly preferred that students avoid purchasing hazardous materials out of pocket. SLICE partners with CMU’s Environmental Health & Safety department to ensure all hazmat purchases are shipped safely, accounted for, and stored properly. This helps the University to maintain safety on campus. Students purchasing or using hazardous materials must complete the Student Affairs Hazmat Purchasing Training.

Hazardous materials include, but are not limited to: propane, epoxy, lighter fluid, acetone, aerosol sprays, paints and dyes, etc.

For questions about hazardous materials, please email SLICE.

More Purchases & Spending Options


Organizations are required to meet with a SLICE Finance Team member before an event to award a cash prize. Appointments must be made one business day in advance. Tangible gifts valued at under $75 may be awarded with out additional tax implications.

  • All Prizes, Gifts, or Awards will require the names of the winners to be submitted to the SLICE office to ensure that there is no conflict of interest in how prizes and gifts are awarded. 
  • Any Prizes, Gifts, or Awards valued over $75 will require tax documents to be completed by the recipient to ensure that the recipient does not receive an amount that would be considered taxable income.
  • Gift Cards and Cash of any value will require a tax form to be completed by the recipient so that if the recipient does receive taxable income, their information is available to report the taxable income.


Raffles: Under Pennsylvania state law, 50/50 raffles or raffles of any kind are prohibited without a license. Please contact SLICE prior to your event if you plan to give away prizes or awards. Specific documentation may be required to ensure that the University remains compliant with the IRS tax law.

Drawings: If all participants have an equal statistical chance of winning, a drawing, not a raffle, may potentially be permitted.  Orgs interested in doing a drawing should email SLICE to ensure that the drawing is compliant with University policy.

Working with Suppliers & Tax Forms

When possible, students should aim to use a supplier that the University has negotiated a Master Service Agreement. These suppliers already have pre-established rates and terms with Carnegie Mellon University. Additionally, students should consider utilizing small and disadvantaged suppliers

To inquire whether a supplier is in our payment system, please email the SLICE Finance team with that supplier’s name. If the supplier is not in the database, then they will have to have their business and banking information verified by the university before a payment can be made.

It can take 4-6 weeks from the time supplier forms are submitted to establish a new supplier in the system. The 4-6 week timeframe allows the suppliers a sufficient amount of time to complete the forms and also allows Accounts Payable to verify tax information and banking information that is submitted before entering the supplier into our system.

If a supplier is already set up, they do not need to complete the supplier forms. To find out if a supplier is already established, please email the SLICE Finance team.

Contracts & Services

Please work with SLICE regarding any contract-related questions.

Contracts & the University Contracts Office (UCO)

Any service that is provided on campus or as part of any official Carnegie Mellon University-sponsored event must have an agreement that is signed and executed by an authorized university official. 


The contracts' process is lengthy, so any contracts to be signed by a university official must be sent to SLICE at least 4–6 weeks in advance of your purchase. This 4-6 week timeframe gives SLICE and the University Contracts Office sufficient time to review the terms and conditions to make sure our students and the University are protected and that the terms are reasonable, fair and compliant with other University policies.
The university does not contract with current students. If you need to pay a current student for a service, please submit a Payment Request form to If the student has a current job in WorkDay, they will be paid that way. If they do not, then they will be asked to provide personal and banking information so the university can issue a payment to them.
Services provided off-campus as part of a non-university sponsored event can have agreements that are signed by individual students, however, you should still work with SLICE to ensure that you are looking out for the best interest of your organization as represented in any written contract. Our office advises giving at least 3–4 weeks lead time to ensure timely payment arrangements. There are multiple departments involved with processing payments. The 3-4 week time frame allows SLICE and Accounts Payable sufficient time to get the payment approved and processed.
Many vendors have a Master Service Agreement (MSA) that might apply to your service. Working with an MSA supplier works to an organization’s advantage because Carnegie Mellon University already has pre-negotiated rates and terms with these suppliers. Also, they are already established in the system. This will save organizations time and money. The list of vendors with MSA’s on file can be found on the University Contracts website. Even if working with a vendor with MSA, the University Contracts Office must still review and sign off on the quote or estimate prior to payment.