Carnegie Mellon University

TimelyCare at CMU

Counseling and Psychological Services has partnered with TimelyCare to offer virtual wellbeing services and programs for students. As an addition to the wide range of mental health services that CaPS provides, TimelyCare expands the availability of mental health services to a wider range of days, times and locations, offers on-demand self-care content through its app, and provides emotional support services with professional counselors 24/7. All of this will be available 24/7 from anywhere in the United States, with no cost to visit.

  • TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at anytime
  • Scheduled Counseling: scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor (up to 12 visits per year)- evening and weekend appointments are available
  • Health Coaching: access to a nutritional specialist to help students adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors related to sleep issues, weight management and more
  • Group Sessions: Weekly Guided Meditation and Yoga Group Sessions, plus specialized discussions throughout the year.

Accessing care is simple.

Students can go to to register with their name and school email address (

Once a student is registered they can then have visits from any web-enabled device – smartphone, laptop, or desktop. TimelyCare is available 24/7 from anywhere in the United States (when students are away from campus, during breaks and holidays).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General TimelyCare FAQs

TimelyCare is a free mental telehealth service available to all currently enrolled US-based degree-seeking students.

Go to or download the TimelyCare app from the App Store or Google Play. Register with your email address and follow the guided prompts.

Note: You must use your email address and not a CMU-affiliate email to register and to continue to sign in.

TalkNow is available 24/7, either through the web platform ( or though the TimelyCare app. CaPS is available 24/7 by calling 412-268-2922. If someone is in imminent danger, please call 911 immediately.

Yes. When you register for TimelyCare, provide the chosen name that you use in SIO when setting up your account.

Yes! TimelyCare is available for all full and part-time students currently enrolled at the Pittsburgh campus.

Yes! TimelyCare is available for all undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at the Pittsburgh campus.

Set up your account now so that you have immediate access to the service whenever you need it.

TimelyCare follows HIPAA guidelines for protecting records (similar to your doctor's office or community providers). With their close partnership with CaPS, when students consent to care with TimelyCare, students are also consenting to the sharing of TimelyCare records with CaPS. This allows for continuity in care and support. However, these records are kept confidential within CaPS and are not shared with anyone outside of CaPS without an additional signed consent for release of information completed by the student.

TimelyCare Services FAQs

  • TalkNow: 24/7 on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression, and school-related stressors.
  • Scheduled Counseling (12 sessions per academic year): Choose the day, time, and mental health provider that works best for you.
  • Health Coaching: Develop healthy lifestyle behaviors for nutrition, sleep habits, time management, and mindfulness.
  • Sessions: Click on the Sessions tab for guided self-care content, including yoga and guided meditation.

Yes, for Scheduled Counseling sessions. You have unlimited access to TalkNow, Health Coaching, and Sessions. Students have access to 12 Scheduled Counseling sessions throughout the academic year (August 1-July 31). Sessions can be used at any time (ex. 3 sessions in 1 week or 6 sessions in 1 month).

As you approach your 12 session limit, your therapist will work with you to connect you with another therapist in your community for ongoing care should you be interested. If that is challenging to find, the therapist will work with CaPS to support that transition. However, at this time, extending the sessions through private pay or insurance is not available.

Not at this time. TimelyCare's services are customized. Carnegie Mellon University students have access to TalkNow, Scheduled Counseling, Health Coaching, and Sessions.

TalkNow is available 24/7. Sessions are also available 24/7. For Scheduled Counseling and Health Coaching, students select the day and time that fits their schedule.

Students are able to browse the list of Scheduled Counseling and Health Coaching providers and choose a provider that meets their needs. Providers have in-depth bios that include gender, ethnicity, languages spoken, and areas of interest/focus so that you can choose someone based on your personal preferences.

Counseling & Psychological Services (CaPS) FAQs

Yes, although there are some limitations with Scheduled Counseling. You can use Scheduled Counseling either through CaPS or through TimelyCare, but not through both providers at the same time. TimelyCare's TalkNow, Health Coaching, and Sessions services can always be used. Other CaPS services (groups, workshops, consultation sessions, triage, etc.) can still be used in conjunction with Scheduled Counseling at TimelyCare. It is important that if you start using TimelyCare, you inform your current CaPS therapist. We encourage you to reach out to a clinician at CaPS to discuss your specific situation.

Yes! You have access to TimelyCare regardless of whether or not you use the services provided by CaPS.

No. CMU is providing TimelyCare as an additional service.

Cost & Insurance FAQs

There is no cost to enrolled students.

No, you do not need insurance and will not be asked for insurance information.

With TimelyCare, you will have free, 24/7 access to providers from anywhere in the United States, regardless of your insurance status. So, you’ll never have to spend time or money looking for care, whether you’re on or off campus.

For Scheduled Counseling, if you do not cancel your session within 24 hours of the appointment time, you may incur a fee. Please cancel scheduled counseling sessions at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time by logging into your account and clicking the ‘cancel’ option for your upcoming visit.

Access FAQs

Please go to CMU's TimelyCare page ( Make sure you are using your email address to sign in (not a CMU-affiliate email). If you are still having issues, call 833-4-TIMELY.

No. You must use your email address to sign in and not a CMU-affiliate email. An example of a CMU-affiliate email is If you experience any access issues, call 833-4-TIMELY.
Call 833-4-TIMELY (24/7) or use the chat option at (available Monday-Friday, 9 am -8 pm EST).

While we highly recommend using VPN for all services, it is not required. Please note: to access TalkNow services while abroad, you must use a U.S. phone number or VPN.

Due to licensing laws, TalkNow is the only service available outside of the United States. In order to use this service, students must download the TimelyCare app in the U.S. prior to any travel. Students also must use a U.S. phone number or VPN while abroad to access TalkNow services.
You will have access to TimelyCare for 90 days following your graduation date. Matriculating students who are actively using TimelyCare should coordinate with the TimelyCare Care Coordination team to establish a plan of care following graduation (833-4-TIMELY or; if you experience any difficulties connecting with the Care Coordination team, call CaPS at (412) 268-2922.